They sat in a circle round the fire.
The happy news soon circled round.
The enemy's planes circled round and round above our heads.
Let's gather and circle round. Let's gather and circle round.
And everyone sat down in a wide circle round it.
You hold hands in a big circle round the fire—everybody together.
Twenty children were grouped in a circle round a chrome steel tower.
They were running up the legs of the tree people and circling round their necks.
An aeroplane was circling round far overhead.
His face was pitifully white and there were dark circles round his eyes.
We look up and to the left and see vultures circling round and round.
们抬头向左看, 看到秃鹰在一又一地盘旋。
Her face was red, she panted for breath, there were dark circles round her eyes.
她的脸通红, 气喘吁吁,黑眼环绕着她的眼睛。
A " nut" is a round circle that – of course, all circles are round, right?
If you have " curls" in your hair, you have these round circles in your hair.
He was in the Charybdis of passion, and must perforce circle and circle ever nearer round the fatal centre.
他正处于激情的卡律布狄斯 (Charybdis) 中,必须绕着致命的中心越转越近。
Here, a " pie chart" means a round circle that is divided up into pieces that represent percentages or numbers.
A pie chart is what it sounds like; it's a round circle – looks like a pie that you would eat.
He began to circle round the cone of the crater, but in a diagonal direction so as to facilitate our progress.
他开始绕着火山口的锥体转一,但是是沿对角线方向, 以便于们前进。
Well, we circle round and round the ships and get in the way when they try to dump the drums of nuclear waste in the sea.
" Not for a year or more, I fear. From here the Cinnamon Wind sails east, to make the trader's circle round the Jade Sea" .
" 恐怕一两年之内不会。月桂风号将从这里启程向东,沿着贸易航线环行玉海。"
At this delicate juncture the Abbe Cruchot left the company seated in a circle round the fire and joined Grandet at the lower end of the hall.
She drew a circle round him, another round herself, and then taking a small Phial from the Basket, poured a few drops upon the ground before her.
她在他周围画了一个圆, 又在自己周围画了一个圆, 后从篮子里拿出一个小药瓶, 在她面前的地倒了几滴。
But Fred Vincy, startled at seeing Lydgate, and astonished to see him betting with an excited air, stood aside, and kept out of the circle round the table.
但是,弗雷德·文西看到利德盖特时大吃一惊, 看到他兴高采烈地下注时也很吃惊, 他站在一旁, 不在桌子周围的子里。